Friday, September 15, 2006

Opinion: My Large Family

I’ve been away from my family for three days now, but I have talked about them so much, and shown their pictures to so many people, that it really does not feel like I’ve away from them longer than one day. Of course this weekend, I got plenty of “You’re crazy” comments when Affiliates found out how many children I have. All of them are all career people, and have one or two children. I just couldn’t imaging only having that few kids running around the house, it would be just plain boring. I’m so happy that Michelle, and I made the decision to let The Lord decide how many children to have. They are so fun (and frustrating at times) to have around.

What else in this world is there that can deliver the pure joy that children bring into your life? Seriously. What else is there? When you are 70 years old, and have less than twenty years to realisticly count on living, there is not one thing that a person could possibly look back on and would not give up more than children. They are truly a blessing, and they make life worth living. When I am fifty years old, I can expect to always have golfing, and motorcycling partners. I can always expect that I will have loving daughters that still love their daddy.

I know that children grow up really quick. It is already happening to me. I am just realizing that Jesse is halfway to the age of moving out. Wow..... thats sobering. I’m so glad that I will have lots of each stage of children’s growth stages to look forward to. One, or two cute little babies is just not enough for me.

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