Friday, September 15, 2006

Heads up iPod owners!

I was reading a document on the history of ambient music (the genre I’m interested in producing music in), and I found a great article on the subject. The problem is the article is 39 pages long, and there is no way I was going to sit in front of a computer screen reading that many pages. I was also not about to print out 39 pages of text because of the cost, and the hassle factor. I wanted to be able to take the article with me to read in increments when I have a few minutes. What’s a man to do?

Well, I found the answer: my iPod!

The iPod has the ability to import text documents in to it to be read, but the problem is that your standard document format shows really badly on the iPod screen. I searched for the answer on Google, and found a wonderful FREE utility to make the conversion for me.

This utility converts a standard .txt file into a file to be read on the iPod screen. I simply copy/pasted the document into Word, then saved the document as a plain text (.txt) document. I then uploaded the .txt doc to the conversion website, and it automatically converted the file, and gave me a .zip file to download.

I dragged the folder I downloaded into the “Notes” folder on my iPod, ejected the iPod, and voila! The entire 39-page document is on a device that I nearly always have with me, and I can read anywhere (on the toilet, waiting on hold, etc.).

iPod users, enjoy!

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