Friday, September 15, 2006

Decision made. Airport, here I come. Grrr...

I bought my plane tickets yesterday. I don’t feel great about it either. They cost $550, and I have to be at the airport at 4:45AM Thursday to leave, and will be come back at 12:30AM Saturday. Anything BUT relaxing, or enjoyable.

If I had decided to ride there, I would be on my bike right now, and feeling the freedom, and fun of a long motorcycle trip. I saw plenty of bikes on the road this morning, a couple of them being touring motorcycles. It hurt me as I sat in my climate-controlled blue Honda Accord listening to Leo Laporte’s KFI podcast. I am feeling very “un masculine” right about now. Nothing that I do is very manly anymore. The past couple of weeks I have really been thinking about trading the Accord in for a Jeep Wrangler. They are so cool, and masculine. I saw a dude in one this morning with the doors removed, and it made me really want one. They are expensive, though, and I am really in no position to be buying another vehicle just to satisfy an irrational craving.

I did ride my skateboard a little yesterday. I took it down Front St. to the overlook bridge, and hung out there a little bit. I think I’ll plant a geocache there sometime. It felt really good to ride my board. I saw a couple of teenagers riding yesterday, and I wished I had a summer vacation to just go riding my skateboard around, and enjoying whatever I wanted to. Summer before last I rode my board a lot at the Akron skate park. I still suck, but it was a lot of fun, and it made me feel young. The kids there thought it was cool for an old school dude to be out there riding an old school board. I wish I’d stuck with it a little more as a kid. I’d like to know how to ollie, but I’m not willing to break my wrist learning how, but as a kid you don’t think about those things too hard, you just do it.

Oh well, time for work. I have a lot to do today.

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