Sunday, December 17, 2006

Modern rock is so lame.

Modern rock is so lame. I gave it about 30 minutes today, and I felt like I needed to take a shower after being slimed by all the foo-foo guitar riffs, and sissy lyrics.

92.3FM knows the modern music scene is weak, so that is why they need to alternate every other song with something recorded in the early to late 90's. Back when rock music had some teeth.

There is this band out now called "The Killers". OK, that sounds ike a pretty hard core rock band, right? You'd think that they would be able to lay down some "Face melting" guitar solos (thank you Jack Black) with a name like that. Right? Wrong! They were the most girly-sounding bunch of femme guys I heard today.

I really want to be a fan of popular music put out today, but all the new, popular bands stink. Indie bands are really putting out some great music, and that is where my tastes are going. After I was finished punishing my ears, I had to purge them with some Nirvana.

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