Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Zune Animations

Microsoft released the Zune, which is supposed to be the "iPod Killer" this week. I like the fact that it comes in brown, which looks cool, but beside that, I don't see anything that would even threaten the iPod.

The animations on the Zune site are the worst. Are they supposed to compel me to buy a Zune?? If so, they are the absolutely worst commercials ever made. What is the point of the "Rabbit" animation??? They are all horrible! The "Lion" animation at least trys to sell you on the Zune's features a little, but watching the gazelle get dismembered over and over again gets a little grotesque.

Microsoft, stop making these things. I hppe you didn't pay good money to some graphic artist to make these, because they are laughing all the way to the bank after selling you this garbage.

Here's the link: The Zune Homepage Click on the "Animations" on the left side of the page to view these things.

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