Thursday, March 22, 2007

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Absolutely Amazing!

No National ID

We can't allow this to go through. I'll post more when I've done enough research on the steps we can take to stop the National ID program.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Vegetarian James

I've been a vegetarian for a month now. It all started out as just a "Lets see how it is to be vegetarian for a while" and has turned into something more than that somehow.

I never considered the plight of the animals I was consuming. To me they were just base beasts that were simply made to be eaten by higher forms of life and they deserved no compassion or consideration as living, conscious, feeling creatures. That all began to change as I started researching vegetarian foods, and the vegetarian lifestyle. The PETA website (I can hear the groans and chuckles of my family and friends now) has some really graphic and eye-opening videos of the animals being butchered for food. I'm not going to get on a soapbox about the subject, but if you care at all about cruelty to animals, watch the video about the slaughter of cows in a kosher slaughterhouse. The way the animals are treated is absolutly horrible. A warning though, you'd better be able to handle blood and gore to watch it.

I've been meaning to post about my new lifestyle for some time now, but just haven't taken the time, with the new baby and all. But it is a Friday evening at 5:30 PM, and I know that traffic is just jammed up on the roads, and I probably won't lose any time at all while traffic clears.

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History of religion for the last 5,000 years

Play this short movie to see the history, expansion, and territories of the major religions in the last 5,000 years. Before that there were probably Pagan religions in the areas where there is no color.

This short 90-second video yields a lot of information in a short time.